Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11/12 Challenges to Conformity/Mood of the 1950s

Ch. 20 Sec. 2 RG The Mood of the 1950s

1. Young people of the 1950s were sometimes known as the “silent generation” because:
2. During the 1950s teenagers were more likely to remain in school than go to work because:
3. A religious resurgence occurred in the 1950s because:
4. Some women chose not to give up their jobs because:
5. In her book The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan charged that many women were frustrated because:
6. Young people of the 1950s challenged the norms of society because:
7. Many adults disliked rock-and-roll music because:

Define the following:
8. rock-and-roll
9. beatnik
10. Catcher in the Rye

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