Monday, October 11, 2010

10/6 Course of the War in Europe and Pacific

1. Ch. 18 s1 RG Due.
2. Map Quiz of 1930s Europe. Retake available on Monday 10/11.

3. Course of War--D-Day/Eastern Front/War in the Pacific Wksts. in class.

10/4 America enters the War

1. WWII Map Wkst. Due
2. ABC--Homefront (America enters the War)
3. Ch. 18 S1 RG Assigned.

9/30 Civilians at War

1. WWII Wkst. go over.
2. Concept of Total War---Objective: Analyze why WWII was a Total War including why civilians were targeted.
3. WWII Map Wkst. Assigned.

9/28 War in Europe and Asia

1. Go over Ch. 17 Sec 2&3.
2. Europe in 1930s Map + Blitzkrieg Wkst.
3. WWII Reading Wkst. w/Map due on Thursday