Tuesday, November 26, 2013

11/22 Postwar to 1960 Domestic EXAM


If the essays were not finished in class, then they will be due on Monday 12/2

Section IV: Essay (5 pts.)
Answer one of the essays using ¾ of a page.

A. Demonstrating Reasoned Judgment How did the development of franchises encourage nationwide businesses while sometimes discouraging local businesses?

B. Recognizing Ideologies In what way was President Eisenhower’s approach to government similar to the ideologies of the Republican Presidents of the 1920s? How did his approach differ?

C. Identifying Assumptions What assumption did President Truman make about what the American people wanted when he introduced his Fair Deal in late 1945 and early 1946?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

11/18-21 Truman and Eisenhower Years (Ch 20 S3)

Ch. 20 Sec 3 Reading Guide
1.?What was Truman’s first priority for the economy after WWII?
2.?What was the mood of the working man in 1946?
3.?What was the Taft-Hartley Act? Did Truman accept it?

Taft Hartley Wkst--In Class

4.?What happened to Truman’s approval ratings in 1946? What were two popular sayings about Truman?
5.?What happened in the midterm elections of 1946? Who controlled the Congress?
6.?What did Truman do for Civil Rights?
7.?How did Truman rally for the 1948 election? What was the result of the election?
8.?What does the picture on p. 683 depict? How is this funny and ironic?
9.?What did the 22nd Amendment do?

10.?What was a snag that Eisenhower’s campaign ran into in September 1952?
11.?How did Nixon stay on the ticket?
12.?By what margin did Ike beat Stevenson in 1952? In 1956?
13.?What was Modern Republicanism? How did this mirror Ike’s leadership style?
14.?How did Ike show that he favored big business? What were the criticisms with his cabinet?
15.?How did the U.S. government respond to the launch of Sputnik?
16.?What was the National Defense Education Act?

Review for Ch. 20 EXAM

1950s Domestic Exam Review Sheet
*white collar work *The Donna Reed Show * Harry S. Truman.
* Dwight Eisenhower * Fair Deal *The Highway Act of 1956 *per capita income
*Beatniks * GI Bill * Baby boom * Modern Republicanism *Richard M. Nixon *William J. Levitt * Betty Friedan * Benjamin Spock * Jonas Salk *conglomerate
*Taft-Hartley Act * advertisements * Working Women * Rock n Roll *Credit cards * Billy Graham. * Benjamin Spock * Jack Kerouac
Possible Essay Q’s
* How did the development of franchises encourage nationwide businesses while sometimes discouraging local businesses?
*How was President Eisenhower’s approach similar to the Republican Presidents of the 1920s?
*What did Truman feel that Americans wanted with the introduction of the Fair Deal?
* How did white collar work effect the culture of the 1950s?
* What was the importance of challenges to conformity like working women, youthful rebellions, rock and roll and the beats?
* How did white collar work encourage conformity in the society?

11/15 Ch. 20 S1&2 Formative Quiz

Notes Due.

Quiz on Society and Mood of the 1950s.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

11/14 Rock N Roll and the Beats Challenge 50s Culture

20CII--Rock n Roll p. 678 --5 in 5

1.?Whose program was named the “Moondog Rock ‘n’ Roll Party”? ?When did it start?

2.?Why was the DJ from question #1 such a good representative for ?enhancing Rock n Roll’s appeal to youth?

3.?Who were early African-American stars of Rock n Roll? Who were ?the early white performers?

4.?Why did people fall in love with Elvis? What were his early hits?

5.?Why were adults and “The Establishment” against Rock n Roll? ?What was dangerous about it?

Begin Halberstam's "The Beats"

11/13 Gender Roles and the 1950s

How does the Media portray and reinforce gender roles in the 1950s?

What was the reality of gender roles in the 1950s?

After writing on the 2 questions above---Notes from Halberstam's "Let's Play House"

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11/12 Challenges to Conformity/Mood of the 1950s

Ch. 20 Sec. 2 RG The Mood of the 1950s

1. Young people of the 1950s were sometimes known as the “silent generation” because:
2. During the 1950s teenagers were more likely to remain in school than go to work because:
3. A religious resurgence occurred in the 1950s because:
4. Some women chose not to give up their jobs because:
5. In her book The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan charged that many women were frustrated because:
6. Young people of the 1950s challenged the norms of society because:
7. Many adults disliked rock-and-roll music because:

Define the following:
8. rock-and-roll
9. beatnik
10. Catcher in the Rye

11/6-8 Selling the American Way

TV Worksheet---In Class Only

Questions about Ch. 20 S1----Turned in on Friday 11/8

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

11/5 Little Boxes

Go over Ch. 20 S1

Suburbia--Little Boxes Wkst---In Class only

David Halberstam---Let's Play House

11/4 Lecture on 1950s

11/1 Intro to the 1950s

Ch. 20 S1

1. In the 1950s, how did some corporations expand to protect themselves against the dangers of economic downturns?
2. What were the main advantages of the franchise system?
3. How did television contribute to the growth of consumer spending?
4. Why was the invention of the transistor significant?
5. How did research for the atomic bomb lead to the new industry?
6. What were the advantages and drawbacks of white-collar work?
7. What made the suburbs expand?
8. Where did the poor in society live?
9. Why did people believe that poverty had been eliminated in America?
10. How did suburban expansion lead to the growth of the auto industry, highways, and consumer credit?

Define the following:
11. per capita income
12. conglomerate
13. transistor
14. Baby boom
15. GI Bill of Rights