Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5/10 Ford and Carter

Economic Issues---Stagflation.
Why is Keynesian Economic Theory not working? How was the U.S. "PowerPlay" at an end? How did this effect the economy?

Trends of 70s Wkst.

Ford and Carter Wkst.

Western U.S. -Geography

Ch. 25 S4&5 Due

5/6 The 1970s

ABC Overview

Nixon Pardon Quiz

Ch. 25 S4&5 Assigned

5/4 Intro Ford and Carter

1. The Nixon Pardon

5/2 Current Events--9/11 Revisited

Discussion on 9/11 and the hunt for Bin Laden

4/27 Nixon Test

4/25 Nixon and Watergate

1. Finish Watergate
2. Go over Ch. 25 S3 RG---turn in.

3. Nixon Wkst.

4. Review for Test