Friday, November 19, 2010

11/19 Intro to 50s Culture

Smartboard Lecture on the 50s

10 Things to Know about the 1950s

1. Baby Boom
2. Suburbs
3. Consumerism
4. Changing Workplace
5. Car Culture
6. Television
7. Teens-Birth of Teenagers
8. Religious Revival
9. Gender Roles
10. Scientific Progress

If you are missing the Cold War Writing Prompt---It is now on the All Assignments Links!

Have a Great Thanksgiving Break!

11/17 CW EXAM

Cold War Exam

Ch. 20 S1 RG ---Homework
Ch. 20 Sec. 1 RG The Postwar Economy

1. In the 1950s, how did some corporations expand to protect themselves against the dangers of economic downturns?
2. What were the main advantages of the franchise system?
3. How did television contribute to the growth of consumer spending?
4. Why was the invention of the transistor significant?
5. How did research for the atomic bomb lead to the new industry?
6. What were the advantages and drawbacks of white-collar work?
7. What made the suburbs expand?
8. How did suburban expansion lead to the growth of the auto industry, highways, and consumer credit?

Define the following:
9. per capita income
10. conglomerate
11. transistor
12. Baby boom
13. GI Bill of Rights

11/15 Reteach and Wrap-Up of Cold War Unit

1. Geography of Containment.
2. Go over Ch. 19 S4 Homework.
3. McCarthyism--go over.
4. Ch. 19 Review for Exam:

Cold War of the 1950’s
Review for Exam ----Ch. 19, all outside readings and videos.

I. Names and terms to know:

a. Mao Zedong b. Jiang Jieshi c. Nikita Kruschev
d. Douglas MacArthur e. Joseph Stalin
f. Harry Truman g. Dwight Eisenhower h. John Foster Dulles
i. George Marshall j. Winston Churchill
k. brinksmanship l. containment m. iron curtain
n. limited war o. massive retaliation

II. Events in the Cold War
a. Soviets refuse to hold elections in Eastern Europe as promised at Yalta
i. U.S.S.R. develops their own atomic weapon.
b. Germany is divided at the Potsdam Conference
j. Korean War 1950-53.
c. Berlin Blockade by U.S.S.R. calls the allies into action and the Berlin Airlift
k. MAD
d. The creation on NATO and the Warsaw Pact
l. Mike and the development of the H-Bomb
e. Creation of the CIA
m. Soviets catch up----develop their own H-Bomb
f. Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine
n. Sputnik I---The Race for Space
g. NSC-68 and the massive military buildup in the U.S.
o. The U-2 Incident
h. Chinese Civil War

Be able to answer the following essay questions

a. What was the Cold War? Describe several important events from the beginning of the Cold War. Do you agree or disagree with the actions of the U.S. during these events. Explain your response.
b. Describe several important events in the Korean War. Describe the disagreement between President Truman and General MacArthur. Do you agree with President Truman or General MacArthur? Explain your response

11/10 Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment Quiz
Writing Prompt---Due Next Class

Finish Lecture and Notes on Cold War at Home---McCarthyism

11/8 The Cold War at Home

The Cold War at Home
p. 649-651 & p. 656-658

1. When and why did Americans join the Communist party?
2. How was the Federal Employee Loyalty Program, set up by Truman, a reaction to the midterm elections of 1946?
3. What did the Federal Employee Loyalty Program do? How did it add to the climate of suspicion and fear?
4. What was HUAC? Why were they interested in the movies?
5. Who were the Hollywood Ten? Why are they unique?
6. What is a blacklist? How did you get on one? Were you able to get off of one?
7. What was the McCarran-Walter Act? What was Truman’s reaction to it?
8. What was the Alger Hiss case?
9. Who were the Rosenbergs? When was their sentence carried out? What is the controversy behind this case?
10. What is the military-industrial complex?
11. Who was Joseph McCarthy? Why did the hunt for communists in the U.S. lead to his reelection?
12. How did McCarthy fall?

Decl. of Ind. Petition.
Smartboard---Cold War at Home (Lecture with Notes)

11/4 Ike and the Cold War

Ch. 20 S4 Cornell Notes--Ike and the Cold War

Military Industrial Complex---Why Ike was a wimp.
Arms Race Video

11/2 Korea and Beyond

1. Finish discussing Korean War. Korean War Wkst.--Due next Class
2. Cold War Map Wkst.
3. Satellites and Science

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

10/29 Korean War

1. Korean War Intro.
2. Map of Europe--Bipolarization of Europe Due

10/27 Bipolarization of Europe

Marshall Plan Wkst.
Berlin Airlift
Ch. 19 S2 RG

10/25 Broken Alliance and the UN

Broken Alliance Wkst. and the UN

10/21 Leaders Meet Wkst.

Ch. 19 S1 RG
ABC Video with Cornell Notes


Intro to Cold War after Exam

10/14 Legacies of WWII

Ch. 18 S5 RG
War Costs and Review---Exam next Class

10/11 Holocaust

1. WWII Quiz
2. Holocaust Wkst. and Lecture