Friday, September 24, 2010

9/24 Events in Europe 1936-1941

What happened in Europe in the years 1936-1941?
What is appeasement?

1. ABC Video with Cornell Notes on Europe 1936-1941.
2. Assign Ch. 17 S2&3 RG.--Due on Tuesday.

9/22 Why did Totalitarian Regimes take control in Europe?

1. Lecture over Ch. 17 S1 with this objective answered: Why did totalitarian regimes take over in Europe following WWI?

Turn in Ch. 17 S1--RG


1. Climagraph of India.
2. Geography Quiz.
3. Intro to WWII---Assign Ch. 17 S1 RG

9/16 Climagraphs

OBJ: How do Climagraphs help us to understand a place?
5 Themes of Geography Wkst.
Salem Climagraph Wkst.
Review of Physical Geo. Terms

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/14 Why Study Geography?

1. Why Study Geography---5 Themes Lecture-with C. Notes
2. Population Pyramid--Inferring the Implications of Graphics

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/10 Cornell Notes and Intro to Text

1. Text Search
2. Cornell Notes Lecture/Powerpoint
3. U.S. Map and Graph Reading

Thursday, September 2, 2010

9/8 Intro to the Class

First Day of New Year!

PowerPoint on topics to be discussed.
Syllabus--Due next Class