Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9/17 Japanese Aggression and U.S. Neutrality

Constitution day. Question# What are the 6 stated reasons for the founders creating the Constitution.

Handout on the Causes of WWII

Hitler's first moves.

Japanese Aggression and U.S. Neutrality

Ch. 17 S3 & 4
1. What did Japan get from its 1894-1895 War with China and its1904-1905 War with Russia?
2. What side did Japan join during WWI? What territory did they gain by this?
3. What peacekeeping role did Japan take after WWI?
4. How did tariffs that country’s passed in the 1920s hurt the world economy?
5. What was the Manchurian incident? What is a puppet state? How was Manchukuo a puppet state?
6. How did the incident at the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937 turn into another Sino-Japanese War?
7. How was the Burma Road used for supplies to help the Chinese?
8. Who were the two leaders in China? Why did they stop fighting each other?
9. How was the Japanese Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere similar to Hitler’s push for lebensraum?
10. Who did Japan ally with in Sept. 1940? Who did Japan sign a neutrality pact with in April 1941?
11. Why did the U.S. turn away from international affairs and back to isolationism in the 1920s and 1930s?
12. What were the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936 and 1937? How did the 1937 Neutrality Acts set up cash and carry?
13. On September 3, 1940 the U.S. started Destroyers for Bases. What was this policy and with what country did we establish this with?
14. December 1940, FDR got Congress to pass the Lend Lease Act? Explain this Act and why it was different than Cash and Carry.
15. Who was Tojo Hideki? How did his election lead to Pearl Harbor?

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