Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2/19-2/20 Warren Court

Apportionment Question Follow-Up

Explain the Process of apportionment. How did this change because of the court rulings in Baker v. Carr and Reynolds v. Sims.

Hint--Use diagrams if necessary. Explain the court statement that came about from these rulings and what they mean.

Warren Court Assignment for your notes

Answer the following for every court case using pgs. 968-975 in your book:
1. The year of the decision
2. Constitutional Question or Issue involved.
3. The Supreme Court Decision

1. Engel v. Vitale
2. Griswold v. Connecticut
3. Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. U.S.
4. In re Gault
5. Reynolds v. Sims
6. Roth v. U.S.
7. School District of Abington Township, PA v. Schempp
8. Sheppard v. Maxwell
9. Tinker v. Des Moines
10. Edwards v. South Carolina

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