Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10/30 Review for Exam

CW Political Cartoon and Ike/JFK Cold War Issues Wksts---In Class

Review for Exam

Cold War ---Review for Exam ----Ch. 19,p. 751-759, all outside readings and videos.
I. Names and terms to know:

a. Mao Zedong
b. Jiang Jieshi
c. Nikita Kruschev
d. Douglas MacArthur
e. Joseph Stalin
f. Harry Truman
g. Dwight Eisenhower
h. John Foster Dulles
i. George Marshall
j. Winston Churchill
k. brinksmanship
l. containment
m. iron curtain
n. limited war
o. massive retaliation
p. George Kennan
q. John F. Kennedy
r. Joseph McCarthy
s. blacklisting

II. Events in the Cold War

a. Soviets refuse elections as per agreement at Yalta
b. Germany is divided at the Potsdam Conference
c. Berlin Blockade and the Berlin Airlift
d. The creation on NATO and the Warsaw Pact
e. Creation of the CIA
f. Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine
g. NSC-68 and the massive military buildup in the U.S.
h. Chinese Civil War
i. Conference in Vienna/Berlin Wall
j. Cuban Missile Crisis
k.. U.S.S.R. develops their own atomic weapon.
l. Korean War 1950-53.
m. MAD
n. Mike and the development of the H-Bomb
o. Soviets catch up----develop their own H-Bomb
p. Sputnik I---The Race for Space
q. The U-2 Incident
r. Bay of Pigs Invasion
s. Flexible Response
t. Alliance for Progress / Peace Corps

Be able to answer the following essay questions
a. What was the Cold War? Describe several important events from the beginning of the Cold War. Do you agree or disagree with the actions of the U.S. during these events. Explain your response.
b. Describe several important events in the Korean War. Describe the disagreement between President Truman and General MacArthur. Do you agree with President Truman or General MacArthur? Explain your response.
c. What events led to the Cuban Missile Crisis? Could this have been avoided? What events should have been handled differently?

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