Friday, December 2, 2016

12/2 Economy and Society of 1950s

Cornell Notes on Ch. 20 S1 and S2

Answer these 2 essential questions in your summary (Due on 12/5)

1. Explain conformity and name 3 factors that drove conformity in 1950s America.

2. Compare and Contrast the role of Women in the 1950s to today.

In class work---
Graph Wkst ---TV Pictograph and American Residency Bar Graphs
Due at the end of the period.

Finish Halberstam's "Let's Play House".

11/30 Google Classroom Assignment

Do the Assignment on Google Classroom:

Conformity--Happy Days

11/28 Intro to 1950s


Let's Play House--Halberstam

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

11/18 Cold War Part 2 EXAM

Part 2 EXAM

Intro to 50's

3 Branches Wkst.

11/16 Review of Cold War part 2

Link to Google Classroom (Top Right).

Do the Assignment

World Cafe in Class

11/14 Geog of Containment

11/9 Eisenhower and the Cold War


Arms Race/Brinkmanship/Satellites and Science

11/4 Cold War Arms Race

Arms Race Interactive Notes---Link to the Google Classroom.
Do the work and turn it in ---to the classroom.

10/28-11/2 Korean War and Prep for Korean War Socratic Seminar

Korean War Socratic Seminar:

Should have America gotten involved in the Korean War?

Who was right, Truman or MacArthur?

10/26 Cold War Part 1 EXAM

10/24 Political Cartoons of Early Cold War

10/21 History of Russia

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

10/17 Cold War Moves to Asia

Cold War Moves to Asia

Fall of China??

Korean Conflict

10/12 Cold War DBQ--Pact-o-Mania

Cold War DBQ

NATO/Warsaw Pact Map of Europe

10/10 Europe Cold War

Marshall Plan

Berlin Airlift and the Formation of NATO

10/7 Berlin Airlift--Kennan and Containment

Best Years Video

Berlin Airlift

Policy of Containment---George Kennan

10/5 UN

Best Years Video

UN--UN Worksheet

Monday, October 3, 2016

10/3 Cold War Pretest

Cold War Pretest

Cold War Concept Map---Due on Wednesday

Cold War Reading Assignment---Read Ch. 19 S1 -S3.  Due by Friday.



Intro to Cold War

9/28 Social Cost of the War and Big 3 meetings

Social Cost of the War--
* Women in the workplace
* Japanese-Americans
* Mexican Americans and the Zoot Suit Riots

Leaders Meet and the Uneasy Alliance---Points of Contention

Atlantic Charter
Adding a Second Front
Sharing of Resources

Future of Europe after the war

Review for EXAM

9/26 Socratic Seminar

Socratic Seminar on the use of the A-Bomb with follow-up questions

9/23 War Continued

Holocaust and other human costs of the war.

War in the Pacific Wkst. ---due on Monday.

Posters Due.

Socratic Seminar---Set up the Socratic Seminar on the use of the Atomic Bomb

9/21 Homefront

After Answering Questions on the Homefront in your INB (Interactive Notebook), then construct a propaganda poster that you would use to keep the public fired up to win the war.

Monday, September 19, 2016

9/19 Homefront

U.S. Homefront

Ch. 18 Sec. 1 – The Home Front
I. Identification-Identify the following in your Cornell Notes
1.  Selective Training and Service Act (Draft)
2. GIs
3. Navajo Code Talkers
4. Tuskegee Airmen
5. War Production Board (WPB)
6. Office of War Mobilization
7. James F. Byrnes
8. Henry J. Kaiser--Liberty Ships
9. Smith-Connally Act
10. Gross National Product (GNP)
11. Deficit spending
12. OPA
13. rationing
14.Victory Gardens
15.Civilian Defense

* Constitution Day---How to become President and the Amendments Pictograph.

9/16 Pearl Harbor and the American Involvement in WWII

Pearl Harbor---Clip from Tora Tora Tora
Reading of Pearl Harbor and Highlighting Important pieces.

Course of the War---Europe Map and WWII Course of War in Europe Wkst.

9/14 American Neutrality

American Neutrality---
Read Text on American Neutrality and take Cornell Notes.

Interpret Dr. Seuss political cartoons.

Pearl Harbor writing

9/12 Causes of WWII

Causes of WWII Video

Friday, September 9, 2016

9/9 WWII Review--Day 1

Get Texts and Organized

WWII Formative Assessment and Review

Rise of Dictators WS---Due on Monday 9/12

For each of the following explain:
I.             The WHO(background),
II.           The WHY (why did they feel the need to take over)&
III.         The HOW (how did they takeover and how did they keep control)

Stalin’s Soviet Union (Chapter 17 p 569-570)

Fascism in Italy (Mussolini) (Chapter 17 p 570)

Hitler’s Rise to Power (Chapter 17 p 570-573)

Japan Builds an Empire (page 581-584)