Wednesday, April 23, 2014

4/23 Nixon/Watergate Exam

Scantron in class.

Essays in your notebooks---Notebooks due on Thursday.

IV. Essay
Answer one of the following on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure to be very thorough in your answer in order to get complete credit (5 pts.).

a. Consider Richard Nixon’s presidency. Using specific examples, explain why you believe Nixon was a good or bad president. Be sure to include reasons for both sides, and then a summation of your opinion.

b. Explain the Watergate Affair. How did this effect the nature of the relationship between the people and the president. Make sure to provide specific examples of events (hint: legislative measures) that were influenced by this scandal in the post-Nixon era.

4/17-22 Watergate

Video and Reading Guide
Ch. 25 S3

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

4/16 Nixonian Foreign Policy

Ch. 25 Sec 2
1. What role did Henry Kissinger play in shaping Nixon’s foreign policy?
2. What is realpolitik? What is détente?
3. What were the five steps that were taken in relation to China?
4. How was China seen as a bargaining chip with the Soviet Union?
5. Where did Nixon go to after China? What was talked about there?
6. What did SALT I do? When was it signed? What were the two countries involved?

4/15 Intro to Nixon

Ch. 25 Sec 1
1. How did Nixon rely on handpicked “team players / yes men” to develop his policies and advise him?
2. Who were John Ehrlichman, H.R. Haldeman, John Mitchell, and Henry Kissinger?
3. What is deficit spending? Why was Nixon considering this Keynesian tactic?
4. What is OPEC? How did their embargo to the U.S. lead to a recession in 1973?
5. What was the basis of Nixon’s legislative program known as the New Federalism?
6. What was Nixon’s “southern strategy”? How did this slow down integration and the advancement of civil rights?
7. How were Nixon’s views apparent in his handling of Supreme Court appointments? How did his presidency eventually reshape the court with his nominees that did get confirmed?

Monday, April 14, 2014

4/14 Proficiency Writing on Vietnam

Students will have a chance to finish the Test if they weren't done and we are also writing for the proficiencies---

Write on two of the following:
1. Identify one antiwar argument made by protesters of the Vietnam War and one prowar argument made by supporters of the war.

2. Why was the Tet offensive considered the turning point of the war?

3. Explain how the Vietnam War was an extension of our post WWII foreign policy of containment.

4. Explain how the age of student activism began and progressed. What issues were they concerned about and what methods were used to get their point across?

If all is completed--begin reading about Nixonian politics p. 826-837 in text

4/11 VIETNAM EXAM and Notebook Check

4/10 Legacies and Review

Legacies of Vietnam--Plus Review

4/4-9 Song Speech plus Presentation

20th Century Studies II Song Analysis Speech
Due: _

Task: Chose a song recorded between 1960 and 1975 where the lyrics relate in some way to the 1960/70s history we have studied. In a speech, tell your peers what the song is about and how it ties into the history we have studied.
Historical Issues/Events to Consider:
Ch. 22 Civil Rights Ch. 23 The Kennedy and Johnson Years Ch. 24 The Vietnam

Choose a Song:
Choose a song that has ONE of the following and was recorded from 1960-1975: a person, an event, the “essence” of a time period (**this is a tougher song to analyze because it requires more history knowledge)
Find the following about your chosen song:
- Artist of song - Recording company -Date the song was recorded - Lyrics to Song -Motive
Find two primary sources. Examples:
-an artist’s analysis of their song -a critic’s analysis of the song -reaction of an individual who listened to the song when it was released (can be an interview)
Find two secondary sources. Examples:
-a historian’s analysis of the person, event, or essence in your song
-your textbook’s analysis of the person, event, or essence in your song
Give the who, what, where, when, why:
-Song title, artist, publication company, publication date, Song lyrics
Give your analysis/opinion about your lyrics
-how does it relate to a person, event, or essence of a time period we have studied? Use a visual to illustrate your points.
Give what the artist/critics said about your song (quote your source in the speech)
-summarize source one -summarize source two -who you agree with and why
Give what historians say about your person, event, or essence of time period (quote your source in the speech)
-summarize historian one -summarize historian two -who you agree with and why

Song Speech Project Grading NAME

a. Ideas/Content 1 2 3 4 5 x2 = _______

b. Organization 1 2 3 4 5 x4 = _______

c. Delivery 1 2 3 4 5 x4 = ________



4/2-3 Vietnamization

ABC Video

Ch. 24 S4

Ch. 24 Sec 4 RG—The End of theWar
1. Paris Peace Talks 2. Vietnamization 3. silent majority 4. POW/MIA 5. Maya Lin

6. What did Nixon claim in the 1968 presidential campaign?
7. What was Nixon trying to accomplish by reducing troop levels but intensifying the bombing?
8. Why did Nixon order attacks on Cambodia?
9. How did the Weathermen contribute to the call from the silent majority for more “law and order”?
10. What were three ways in which students and adults in the majority show their disfavor with the student protestors?
11. What were the four provisions of the Paris Peace Accords, signed in Jan. 1973?
12. What eventually happened to South Vietnam?
13. What happened to SE Asia after the war? In other words, did all of the dominoes fall?
14. Look at the graphs on page 816 and answer a, b, and c from the Interpreting Graphs.
15. What were the legacies of the Vietnam War for America?
16. What were the legacies of the Vietnam War for the Vietnamese?
17. What were three things about the Vietnam Memorial that were unique to Lin’s design?

4/1 Student Activism

Video--Questions on Student Activism

SQ3R 1968

1. How did the war influence the 1968 election?
2. Why did LBJ decide not to run?
3. How did RFK, McCarthy and Johnson’s decisions influence the democratic party in the election?
4. What happened at the Chicago Democratic National Convention?
5. Who was the Republican candidate? What was his tactic?
6. Who was the 3rd party candidate in 1968?
7. Who did the candidate from question 6 appeal to?
8. What were the results of the election?
9. What was Middle America? What were their feelings about the politics of the ‘60s?
10. What did Nixon’s victory start as a trend?