Friday, December 16, 2011

12/9-16 Intro to Civil Rights (1950s)

Ch. 21 S1 RG
1. Explain the importance of Jackie Robinson to the Civil Rights cause?
2. Explain the importance of the following:
a. African American Migration b. The New Deal c. WWII d. Rise of the NAACP
3. Explain the Brown v. Board of Education case (1954).
4. Explain the reaction to the Brown case.
5. Define integration.
6. Explain the importance of the Little Rock Nine.

Brown v. Board Wkst---Classroom Only

Montgomery Bus Boycott Assignment---Classroom Only

Little Rock
U.S. Map--In Class

Finally---Extra Credit for Break is Available. Look at the All Assignments and Click on the Link that say Extra Credit for Break. Follow the Instructions

12/8 1950s Exam

12/2-7 Politics in the 1950s

Ch. 20 Sec 3 Reading Guide
1. What was Truman’s first priority for the economy after WWII?
2. What was the mood of the working man in 1946?
3. What was the Taft-Hartley Act? Did Truman accept it?
4. What happened to Truman’s approval ratings in 1946? What were two popular sayings about Truman?
5. What happened in the midterm elections of 1946? Who controlled the Congress?
6. What did Truman do for Civil Rights?
7. How did Truman rally for the 1948 election? What was the result of the election?
8. What does the picture on p. 683 depict? How is this funny and ironic?
9. What did the 22nd Amendment do?
10. What was a snag that Eisenhower’s campaign ran into in September 1952?
11. How did Nixon stay on the ticket?
12. By what margin did Ike beat Stevenson in 1952? In 1956?
13. What was Modern Republicanism? How did this mirror Ike’s leadership style?
14. How did Ike show that he favored big business? What were the criticisms with his cabinet?
15. How did the U.S. government respond to the launch of Sputnik?
16. What was the National Defense Education Act?

Truman Wkst--In Class Only



Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11/30-12/1 Gender Issues

Compare and Contrast the views/stereotypes on gender issues in the 1950s to the

11/28-29 Beats & Rock n Roll

Beats---Halberstam's Video

Beatniks and Rock n Roll

11/14-18 Advertising and Gender Relations

Let's Play House ---Halberstam's Video

Selling the American Way---Halberstam's Video

11/7-10 Intro to 1950s

ABC Video

Suburbia Wkst.
TV Wkst.

Ch. 20 S1 RG


11/3 Satellites and the Cold War

Satellites and Science Wkst.

Monday, October 31, 2011

10/31-11/2 Cold War at Home

Truman's Federal Loyalty Program
Hollywood Ten
Alger Hiss Case

Cold War at Home Q's

10/27-31 Korean War

Korean War Stories

Korean War Wkst./Cold War Hot Wkst.

Korean War Legacies and then Quiz

10/26 Chinese Civil War

Chinese Civil War PPT and Wkst.

10/24-25 Berlin Airlift

Repercussions of the Airlift---NATO/Warsaw Pact with Post WWII Europe Map

Cold War Spreads to Asia

10/19-21 Containment and the early years of the Cold War

The Cold War in Europe
Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, 1st Standoff (Berlin Airlift)

Watch ABC Video--The Best Years of our Lives

10/12-18 Intro to the Cold War

1. Analyzing Motives.
2. Leaders Meet
3. Formation of the UN
4. Ch. 19 S1 Reading Quiz

10/10-11 WWII EXAM

Turn in Holocaust Wkst.
WWII Fill-In Wkst.

D-Day and Eastern Front Battles Maps

A-Bomb---Manhattan Project Questions

WWII Exam plus Letter to Truman (support or against the dropping of the A-Bomb).

10/5-7 WWII Battles

10/5-7 WWII Battles
WWII Battles Map

Seuss and War Cartoons

The Story of US--WWII

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Cut and Paste this link into your browser:

Here's the LogIn Information

Username: Olys123
Password: Olys123

10/3-4 U.S. Homefront

10/3 Finish ABC Video

10/4 Ch. 18 S1 RG

9/26-30 Steps to War

9/26 Ch. 17 S2-4 RG. Steps to the War

9/27--Euro Map and WWII Reading Wkst.

9/28 WWII Map Wkst. Intro

9/29-30 U.S. Gears up for War

Monday, September 26, 2011

9/21-23 Steps to War

1. ABC Video 1929-1941 w/ Cornell Notes

2. SQ3R Technique

3. Europe Map in the 1930s

9/19-20 Steps to WWII

Rise of Dictators

Ch. 17S1 RG and Overview Lecture

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


9/15 U.S. Physical Map

9/14 Physical Geography Terms

9/13 Climagraph

Interpreting/Constructing Climagraphs

9/12 Five Themes and Population Pyramids

1. Five Themes Wkst.
2. Interpreting Demographic Info through population pyramids

9/7-9 1st Week

1. Syllabus---Due 9/9
2. Intro to class
3. 5 Themes of Geography Lecture

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5/10 Ford and Carter

Economic Issues---Stagflation.
Why is Keynesian Economic Theory not working? How was the U.S. "PowerPlay" at an end? How did this effect the economy?

Trends of 70s Wkst.

Ford and Carter Wkst.

Western U.S. -Geography

Ch. 25 S4&5 Due

5/6 The 1970s

ABC Overview

Nixon Pardon Quiz

Ch. 25 S4&5 Assigned

5/4 Intro Ford and Carter

1. The Nixon Pardon

5/2 Current Events--9/11 Revisited

Discussion on 9/11 and the hunt for Bin Laden

4/27 Nixon Test

4/25 Nixon and Watergate

1. Finish Watergate
2. Go over Ch. 25 S3 RG---turn in.

3. Nixon Wkst.

4. Review for Test

Friday, April 22, 2011

4/21 Watergate Intro

1. Collect and Go over Ch. 25 s2 RG

2. Watergate Intro

4/19 Nixon Presidency

Nixon Presidency---Domestic Policy and Foreign Policy.

4/14 1960s SKITS

Audience Response Forms done by non-presenters.

4/12 Intro to Nixon

Ch. 25 S1 Assigned.

Prep. for 1960s Skits

Monday, April 4, 2011

4/8 Vietnam Exam

Vietnam EXAM

4/6 Vietnamization + Review

1. Vietnamization

2. Kent State.

3. Finish Letters Home.

4. Review.....

4/4 1968 Election + Vietnamization

1968 election worksheet.

Assign Ch. 24 S4

3/31 Port Huron Statement

1. Student Protest...Port Huron Statement group projects

2. Student Activism

3/29 Soldier's Story

1. Soldier's Story---Letters Home from Vietnam

2. Map of Vietnam. Ch. 24 S3 RG

3/18 Soldier's Life

Conclude Path...

Intro to Vietnam Map

3/16 Path to War

3/14 Course of War

1. Ch. 24 S2 RG---Course of War and Soldier's life

3/9 Path to War

1. Entrance Quiz.
2. Path to War--watch video with handout

Thursday, March 3, 2011

3/7 Good Morning Vietnam

1. Intro to Vietnam
2. Overview Video of Vietnam
3. Ch. 24 S1 RG---Go over and Collect.

3/3 60's Domestic EXAM

3/1 Consumer Movement + Review

1. Consumer Movement
2. Review for Test

2/25 Movements of the 60s

1. Video on Movements of the 60s---UFW, AIM, Counterculture, Student Movement, etc.

2. Intro to Environmental Movement

2/23 Women's Movement Video

1. Video
2. Ch. 23 S1 Quiz
3. Assign Ch. 23 S2&3 RG

2/18 Zinn & Women's Movement

2/16 Women's Movement

2/14 Ch. 22 Quiz

1. Ch. 22 Quiz
2. Collect World Geog
3. Intro Ch. 23

Friday, February 11, 2011

2/10 LBJ Lecture

1. Lecture on LBJ.
2. Collect Ch. 22 S2 RG and Wkst.

3. ABC overview Video

4. World Geog. Intro

2/8 JFK Assassination

1. Finish JFK Lecture
2. Intro to LBJ---Ch. 22 S2 RG plus Ch. 22 S2 Wkst.

2/4 JFK Lecture

1. Geog. Due
2. Ch. 22 S1&3 RG plus Ch. 22 S3 Wkst.

3. Intro JFK Lecture

2/2 Intro to 1960s---JFK

2/1 Geog of U.S. Packet

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


1/24 Review for Final

1. Unit Timeline Activity

2. Review for Final Exam

1/20 Wrap Up Unit

1. Quiz on Civil Rights Unit

2. Reteach Militancy---De Facto Segregation and issues post legislation

3. MLK's Assassination and the end of a movement

1/18 Militancy in the Movement

1. Collect s4 RG

2. "Eyes..." Through Selma

3. Ch. 21 S5 Assigned.

1/13 Martin Luther King

1. MLK --WHO AM I. With Wkst. T/F.

2. Go over Ch. 21 S3

3. "Eyes..." Through Freedom Summer

4. Ch. 21 S4 Assigned

1/11 Zinn and Civil Rights

Howard Zinn Reading on Civil Rights

Ch. 21 S3 RG Assigned

U.S. Map of Civil Rights

Monday, January 10, 2011

1/7 Context for Civil Rights

1. Go over CR Organizations---Entrance Q's .
2. Context for Civil Rights---ABC Video with Cornell Notes

1/5 Civil Rights Organizations

1. "Eyes on the Prize"... to Birmingham.
2. CR Organizations---Ch. 21 S2 RG--Due next Class

1/3 Civil Rights

1. Overview of Unit
2. Intro to "Eyes on the Prize" with Cornell Notes

3. Ch. 21 S1 RG---Work on in class and turn in.