Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Teens in the 1950s 11/19

1. Teens in the 1950s.
2. Ch. 20 S2 RG---Due on return from break.
3. Rock and Roll history--begin.

Extra Credit: Research 50's Rock and Roll and its development. For 20 pts. type out an original 2 page paper on a subject of Rock and Roll. This could be a group, person, record label, the 50s style of rock, effect on teens, etc.. Use MLA format and make sure it's typed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

11/17 1950s Society

1. Trends in 1950s.
2. Business in 1950s.
3. Ch. 20 S1 Due.

4. Begin Growth of Suburbia and TV Growth wksts in Groups.

11/13 Intro to 1950s

1. Intro to 1950s Lecture and Overview Video
2. Ch. 20 S1 RG Assigned

Thursday, November 5, 2009

11/10 Cold War EXAM


11/6 Ike and the Cold War + Review

1. Satellites Due.
2. Ike and the Cold War. Group Discussion.
3. Cold War Map Wkst. (PDF file available in classroom only).
4. Review for Cold War Exam

11/4 McCarthyism

1. McCarthyism discussed.
2. Cold War at Home Q's due.
3. Satellites and Science Wkst. (PDF file available in classroom only).Due next Period.

11/2 Arms Race & Intro to Cold War at Home

1. Arms Race Clip
2. Intro to Cold War at Home---Questions due next period.

10/29 Cold War in Asia

1. Korean War Video---Korean War Assignment due next period.
2. Struggle for China Wkst. --Cold War Turns Hot Wkst.---Geography of Containment Wkst. (PDF Docs Available only in Class).

10/27 Cold War Shifts to Asia

1. Effects of the Berlin Airlift. NATO/$Marshall Plan/Warsaw Pact ----Post WWII Euro Map(PDF file available in classroom only).
2. Cold war shifts to Asia ---Korean War Assignment---Due on 11/2

10/23 Berlin Airlift

1. ABC Video with Cornell Notes.
2. Berlin Airlift and Berlin Wkst. (PDF file available in classroom only).